4 Reasons I’m Not Getting a Conical Fermenter | The Fledgling Brewer 明星也有翻版?霸王餐版周星馳,癡呆版周傑倫,小兒麻痺版陳冠希,民工版謝霆鋒,女版林俊傑 ,AV版歐弟……每個大明星多多少少都有幾個山寨版的宿敵~下面就送上幾張相似度極高的山寨版明星臉!先上一張正常一點的吧! ▲「歐巴馬」看歐巴馬,撞臉撞上美國總統應該不是什yeah i have been wanting one of these shortly after going to all grain to complete the collection still will but not stainless going DIY with plastic the actual conical hoppers are $70 for a 80L plastic hopper with lid after some mods it will be all ready...