i'm sexy and i know it

What I Know About Love Now That I'm In My 50s | Rachel A. Sussman, LCSW 每個人心中,都有一把不為人知的尺,悄悄度量著身邊的人事物。縱使是面對愛情,也難逃這把尺的既定標準範圍,符合你的期待,你容易敞開 心,愛情便可能降臨,只是這不一定是適合你的;不符合你期待,你會有很多理由  抗拒或拒絕心動的感覺,然後很可能,真愛與你擦身而過。  I think relationships get better with age, and mine certainly has. If I knew in my 20s what I know now, I would have avoided abundant heartache. But that's the journey, and you acquire astounding wisdom in the process. At least I did. This is what I know ...


I'm A Lazy Mom | A blog that pokes fun at the lazy moments ALL moms have (yes, even super moms).在那時。我就明白了當她眼淚流下來時。就證明傷已超載了。從一開始的甜言蜜語到最後的天長地久。早散落在某個天涯海角曾經給出去的承諾也一個一個地回頭嘲笑著我 在那時。她也明白了當我展開翅膀的時候。就是離開她的懷抱。從親吻到纏綿過後的遊戲。早已厭倦在了那張紅色的床單。她那曾經執著過的愛。被我無情地撕成一片一If you’re like me, you’ve heard all the hub-bub about essential oils, but haven’t really taken the time to learn more about them. I’ve used Melaleuca (Tree Tea) oil regularly for years, but didn’t really know how I could fully use it or other oils I kept ...


i'm a ginger monkey 也許,你深愛一個人,他(她)卻感覺不到也許,你深愛一個人,他(她)卻拒你於門外也許,你深愛一個人,他(她)已在他人懷抱也許,你深愛一個人,卻因種種巧合,陰差陽錯的錯過也許,你深愛一個人,卻因機緣未到,遲遲不能開口也許,你深愛一個人,他(她)卻遲遲不肯說那句美麗的話 也許,你深愛一個人,有太多的話想My friend Kristi, who you probably know already as schnitzel and boo has designed a really cool travel bag pattern which is released by Rebel Craft Media next month (more details are below). It's bag for confident beginners and up. Once I get moved into m...


I'm a liberal professor, and my liberal students terrify me - Vox你習慣他的呵護,習慣他的溫柔 習慣他生氣時的樣子 習慣他的笑容,甚至在不知不覺中你習慣用他的方式微笑 用他的方式溫柔,你們彼此互相依賴 依賴這種甜蜜的習慣 每天固定的 習慣在每天沒有約定的約定 然後有一天你們分手了 你難過、傷心、痛苦、不舍 因為你還是依然依賴那種習慣 但是你必須捨棄“習I'm a professor at a midsize state school. I have been teaching college classes for nine years now. I have won (minor) teaching awards, studied pedagogy extensively, and almost always score highly on my student evaluations. I am not a world-class teacher ...


Bruce Jenner: 'I'm a Woman' - ABC News當你太愛一個人的時候,他就不會很愛你了,因為他看準了你不會離開他,哪怕他把你傷得一塌糊塗,他自信只要用一個愛字,就可以把一切抺平,這樣一個人是不值得你去愛的。這樣的人太過自私和功利,愛自己遠勝於愛你。他的自尊、他的驕傲、他的需要都要比你的愛來得重要。你盡管很愛他,但你永遠是他最後一個選擇,而他的心思Bruce Jenner was once hailed as the greatest athlete in the world and later became a reality television star with one of the world’s most famous families. Now, the former Olympian is revealing a secret that has caused him turmoil for decades. “For all int...


It Happened To Me: There Are No Black People In My Yoga Classes And I'm Suddenly Feeling Uncomfortab愛情熱度退去後,在戀人眼中見到的是,他/她變了,不再像以前那樣愛我對我好了事實上,不是誰變了,人類並非能夠輕易改變的生物,所以,你看到的改變只是錯誤的認知,並非他/她變了而是,原來的本性毫無掩飾的展現在你面前而已。 在你們燃起愛的火花時,彼此都在努力地扮演著對方可能會喜歡的角色,把最好的一面表現出來January is always a funny month in yoga studios: they are inevitably flooded with last year’s repentant exercise sinners who have sworn to turn over a new leaf, a new year, and a new workout regime. A lot of January patrons are atypical to the studio’s re...
