Intel Core i3 3110M vs 2348M - CPUBoss 采精員,一名女性工作人員在提取公牛的精液。攝影師看到這一情景都不可思議。 請點擊輸入圖片描述 避孕套監測員,想想套套的用途,你就會明白,這不是最浪漫的工作,卻是最不可或缺的安全套生產流程。 請點擊輸入圖片描述 臭味鑑定師,每天對腋窩、呼氣、足For this matchup, we're comparing two laptop processors which are 7 months apart: the Intel Core i3 3110M versus the Intel Core i3 2348M. Is the newer generation worth the upgrade? Let's start off with the older model: the 2348M is a 2.3 GHz Dual Core It ...