HOLD不住! 原來女生面試時「下半身」都是這樣穿的...
I7-3820 vs i7-3770k - Intel i7 - CPUs - Tom's Hardware: Hardware News, Tests and Reviews又到了美國學生申請學校的季節了,Reddit上的一位網友的女友正在線上面試。他把女友面試的過程拍下來po上網~他在上面說到:女友為了申請一間很棒的法律學校拍攝面試影片,穿得好正經啊…………………&helDear, could anyone tell me which one is best one between the two processors i7-3820 vs i7-3770k THanks in advance ... OP, ignore the troll on the thread. Ivy Bridge is a great CPU line, and around 10%-15% faster per clock then Sandy Bridge is. I personall...