Intel Core i7 4770K vs 4770 - CPUBossTEXT/Bella.tw儂儂 PHOTO/網路 晉升收視破億男星的晨翔,出席伊麗莎白雅頓一日店長活動,現場女孩們被晨翔電力電的不要不要的,不旦平時非常重視保養,還會看女生的脖子來猜測年齡,快看看晨翔的好膚質養成計畫,GO! 知己知彼百戰百勝 保養必須從適合自己的產品開始,晨翔表示自己We put the 3.5 GHz Intel 4770K to the test against the 3.4 GHz 4770 to find out which you should buy. ... Intel Core i7 4770k and Core i7 4770 are almost identical. The only difference is that Core i7 4770k has an unlocked multiplier to achieve higher clo...