[KERNEL][ICS-CM9 or JVU] USB Host mode (OTG)… | Samsung Galaxy S I9000 | XDA Forums▲不要想要亂騙人喔!(source:me下同) 日前有網友在爆廢公社po文表示自己平常愛喝的飲料「瑞穗咖啡牛奶」竟然有個天大的秘密,喝了這的多年才發現...「瑞穗咖啡牛奶」的字體怎麼會怪怪的...?網友看完大驚!「你觀察系的?」 網友發現包裝上的「咖啡」兩字竟然是寫著「口加口非」,但其實那並不是廠商USB Host mode driver for Samsung Galaxy S (i9000) Also available on the Samsung Captivate and Nexus S Vibrant and i9000B builds are avialable in some onec… ... The above command includes setting the operation mode of the host controller to "OTG mode ......