The International Association of Coaching (IAC)阿桃和阿國是辦公室裡的一對寶,常常喜歡鬥嘴,平常沒事就「吐槽」 對方。 某日,阿桃請阿國順路載她一程,好說歹說,阿國還是答應了。 到了停放機車的地方,阿桃看到阿國的機車又破又爛,忍不住又丟出一 句:「拜託!這麼破又爛的機車幹嘛還要上鎖!」 阿國瞪大眼睛看著阿桃輕蔑Get your credential today Is it time for you to get certified? Study the Masteries, take the written exam, practice the Masteries and demonstrate your Mastery in two ... The International Association of Coaching The IAC ® is an independent, global coach c...