
IAP - the global network of science academies 2014 年轉眼間又要過去了,在迎接新的一年前,先讓我們回顧今年的娛樂新聞事件中,有哪些火辣男星的身材,讓許多人內心都瞬間沸騰啦! ▼演出影集「噬血真愛」的 Ryan Kwanten,今年夏天到加利福尼亞州的馬里布度假 ▼瑞恩·菲利普 Ryan Phillippe 今年在 IAP and its member academies believe that science, scientific knowledge and scientific progress are an essential part of human culture and are vital to advance human welfare and well being. They also believe that the scientific method has much to offer in...


IAP Home 美國影集《絕命毒師 》( Breaking Bad )可算是許多熱愛黑色劇情的影集迷們的最愛,劇中故事主要講述高中化學教師瓦特懷特( Walter White )的犯罪故事。 瓦特懷特( Walter White )因為患上了末期肺癌,加上事業不如意,在化學的天份才能又無法發揮之下,讓他的人生陷入Offering a forum for members to discuss finished products, marketing and shows, and pen making skills. Includes a photo gallery....
