GiBike 可以為手機充電的摺合式單車
IAR Systems GiBike 是一部很有型的摺疊式單車,由單車愛好者 Mariano Bossana 和團隊設計,集合了不少小摺用戶渴望的特點:輕巧、快速收納、方便整理、安全等。GiBike 有電動版和普通版兩款,下月開始在 Kickstarter 集資。 電動版的 GiBike 提供 64 公里續航和最高時速 Don’t worry about fighting with learning curves, issues or bugs on your own. With support from us, you’re never alone. You get help and guidance when you need it and ... IAR Embedded Workbench provides a complete C/C++ compiler and debugger toolchain that...