IAR Embedded Workbench原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:賴曈姸 天才作家伊藤計劃(Project Itoh) 2007 年以《虐殺器官》出道, 衝擊性的文筆立刻襲捲日本科幻小說界, 迅速成為閃亮的明星之際, 遺憾卻在此時悄悄來襲, 僅僅兩年的時光, 留下了《虐殺器官》與《和諧》兩部原創長篇小說 與一部電玩「MGS(潛Build what you want in the platform of your choice ... Outstanding speed optimizations enable IAR Embedded Workbench to generate very fast performing code. With the shortest possible execution times it is the ultimate choice for developing low-power ......