SUV鬥神BMW X2 M35i
IAS 39 — Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement緊緻型SUV多半都是中看不中用的花拳繡腿?或是把SUV的S(Sport)丟一邊的忘本傢伙?我們這次試駕的BMW X2 M35i是個完全相反的典型,Sport優先,其他都擺在Sport之後! 圖 顧宗濤 車型+基本資料 ●建議售價 預估售價450萬元 ●平均油耗 10.2km/L ●上市時間 IAS 39 outlines the requirements for the recognition and measurement of financial assets, financial liabilities, and some contracts to buy or sell non-financial items. Financial instruments are initially recognised when an entity becomes a party to the co...