ibm apple google

IBM - 維基百科,自由的百科全書國際商業機器股份有限公司(英語:International Business Machines Corporation,首字母縮略字:IBM,曾譯萬國商用機器公司)是一家提供資訊服務的跨國公司。IBM生產並銷售電腦硬體及軟體,並且為系統架構和網路代管提供諮詢服務。IBM公司總部設在美國紐約州 ......


IBM Wins Most Patents — Again — but Google and Apple Climb in Rankings - Digits - WSJ HAHA~你們太色囉!There was little change among the largest recipients of U.S. patents in 2014. But two big Silicon Valley names – Google and Apple – continued climbing the charts. The two technology giants remained well behind IBM, which topped the annual ranking by IFI C...


Apple, Google, and IBM own the world's 3 most valuable brands, worth over $400 billion | VentureBeat 你看你!鼻血四濺~看到亮點的自己去面壁!Apple should watch out, however. Its brand value grew just one percent, compared to mobile rival Samsung’s massive 51 percent growth to number 30 in the global rankings at $21 ......


Apple/IBM vs. Google vs. Microsoft: Who Wins the Battle for the 2020 Desktop?   小妹妹塊陶啊啊啊!!!A decade ago, if I’d even suggested that Microsoft would have been at risk from an Apple/IBM partnership and a dot-com company, folks would have laughed me out of the room. Back then, Microsoft had better than 95 percent of the desktop, the browser market...
