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Ibm thinkpad r40 processor upgrades - CPUs - CPUs 全新世代Audi Q3 / Q3 Sportback全車系提供十餘種繽紛車色,並標配犀利有神的LED燈光科技,內部車室空間亦可自由選擇個性化套件,讓年輕世代恣性打造性格鮮明的專屬風格。 全新世代Audi Q3 / Q3 Sportback 採用鮮明的quattro blister特徵線,於輪拱Not true you can upgrade a processor on a Laptop I have done a few, but it usually is not worth it. The thinkpad you have was available with a few different processors. Intel Mobile Pentium M at 1.3GHz, 1.4GHz, and 1.5GHz Intel Mobile Pentium 4 at 1.8, 1....