經典迷彩圖案 AAPE by A Bathing Ape 2週年紀念Tee
Ibm thinkpad r40 processor upgrades - CPUs - CPUs 潮流品牌Ape副牌、AAPE by A Bathing Ape,成立至今以更加年輕以及平價的策略,持續開創不同市場,今年為創立之兩週年紀念,特別推出擁有不同收納包裝的紀念Tee,以兩週年的數字2為發想,搭配經典迷彩設計為特色,五月十七日正式發行。 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.cNot true you can upgrade a processor on a Laptop I have done a few, but it usually is not worth it. The thinkpad you have was available with a few different processors. Intel Mobile Pentium M at 1.3GHz, 1.4GHz, and 1.5GHz Intel Mobile Pentium 4 at 1.8, 1....