ic slt test

IC Pick & Place Handler | Chroma ATE Inc.  在感情的世界裡,畫分界線、區隔清楚,往往不是非黑即白那麼簡單。每一段感情裡的人與記憶,也不是在分手後就能格式化清除所有關係與回憶。於是,不管在心中或實際行為,不少人都與前男(女)友藕斷絲連,可能一周,可能一個月,可能一年,可能永遠永遠……   根據Pick & Place Handler - Final Test (FT) and System Level Test (SLT) Final Test FT is taken to test before delivery of the product to customers. This test through test patterns to verify the functionality of the device and measure the electrical characteris...


Semiconductor and IC Test and Automation | Chroma ATE - Automated Testing Equipment  根據家裡蹲大學某教授多年研究證實 男人喜歡的另一伴歸納以下三點 1.喜歡大眼晴。 2.身材小小的(比自己小)。 3.最好還會一些外語。             於是幫主 幫大家找到了這位夢寐以求的女孩!!   &nbToday’s logic IC has to integrate multiple functions. The complex System-on-Chip (SoC) is not only equipped with the features of digits, simulation, power and built-in storage, but is also a challenge for test devices. The VLSI test system can precisely s...


Exatron - Excellence In Electronics【男人最不該做的7件事】 一、沒有目標(不知道自己該幹嘛,混日子)。 二、浪費時間(比如遊戲或濫情)。 三、不獨立(等著別人來搭救)。 四、被動的活著(別人說什麼就做什麼,要麼就什麼也不做)。 五、不規劃自己的人生。 六、不學習吸收資訊。 七、不接受愛情。 Welcome to Exatron Design, Manufacturing, Software and Service Exatron offers a complete line of automated handling, testing, programming, and laser marking equipment for ... Ingenuity Exatron is constantly adapting to emerging technology and rethinking t...
