Keep an ice cube from melting - project kids | Ask MetaFilter魔術師除了我以外的三個人碰巧被選中上台幫忙表演憑空消失魔術用黑布包起來 一陣煙霧之後三個人都不見了我:「他們去哪裡了?把他們變回來!」魔術師:「沒問題」一陣煙霧之後,李四跟王五回來了我:「張三呢?張三怎麼沒回來?」魔術師:「以前我師父跟我說,變張"三"出來是最難的……」I appreciate genuine responses that will give me real information I can use to guide our efforts. Here's how to bring the complainers together with the answers--what you can give your youngster here is process, and let him do the brainstorming. Suggest th...