封鎖水貨 new C-Class全新打舊款 更有價格優勢
Chemical Industry News & Chemical Market Intelligence | ICIS.com ‧‧‧Mercedes-Benz於2014年前6個月於全球與台灣市場創下歷史佳績,不僅全球銷售總量達到783,520輛歷史新高,台灣賓士更連續19個月打破銷售紀錄,上半年掛牌總數高達9,270輛。尤其在品牌旗下最暢銷的車系The new C-Class強勢登台之後,預料2014年下半年MercedChemical, energy and fertilizer industry news & market intelligence from ICIS. Stay ahead with the latest chemical, energy & fertilizer industry reports. ... Asian spot gas prices below Britain for first time since 2010 Spot gas prices in key east Asian m...