IdeaPad Yoga 11s: Mini Laptop & Convertible Ultrabook - Free Shipping | Lenovo (US)《回到未來》相信大家應該馬上聯想到DeLorean DMC-12這台美式跑車吧! 雖然車廠後來倒閉了,但是到現在全車的套件和零件都還有專門的工廠在生產,拜電影所賜這台車的魅力相當迷人阿,直到現在都是美國人夢幻車種名單中必備的車款~ 在美國紐約出現一台小黃!看來是藍光電影的宣傳車~ 這樣開車門的方式,Learn about the Yoga 11S, a convertible that combines a laptop with the experience of a tablet. Powered by Intel® Core Processors. ... GROUNDBREAKING 11.6" MULTIMODE MINI LAPTOP The new Yoga has arrived. The IdeaPad Yoga 11S has the power and ......