【men's uno精選"黑"錶款】黑色組成之根本 The Composition of Black
How do I convert DVD or sub/idx to text srt subtitles?執行、文字/Adrian Chen 攝影/Ajerry Sung 黑,物體表面吸收所有光線之顯色,相對晦暗,實質昶亮,深藏不露,連時間都能感染。 對黑的權衡,全都各憑本事。體現運動感,宣示燒製工藝,陶瓷、鑽石鍍層、離子鍍膜,打開鍵結之基礎回歸本質,單體結合成物件,又拆解成最小微粒,區區一彩中,即納百hello, i hope this is the right place to ask. i downloaded SubRip1.50beta and VobSub2.23 to convert *.idx and *.sub files to the *.srt format. i fired up subrip and loaded the files and did all the steps necessary to convert them. but however it kept aski...