Software updates are required before Internet Explorer 8 is installed on a Windows Vista computer 靠北男友原文:我男朋友睡覺時突然說話男「她剛剛走出去了」我「誰?」男(不耐煩)「就剛剛那個女的啊!」我看了一下暗咪摸的房間,瞬間雞皮疙瘩爬滿身我「哪個女的啦!」男「就剛剛玩手機出去的那個女生啊!」我(超想哭)「誰啦!!!!」男(好像意識到自己在說夢話)「沒事我說夢話」然後他繼續睡得很香甜幹,但是我Discusses the software updates that must be installed before you install Internet Explorer 8 on a Windows Vista computer. ... This article describes what to do when you cannot install Internet Explorer 8 on a computer that is running Windows Vista. Collap...