ie10 64位元

Internet Explorer 10 - Enable 32-bit or 64-bit IE10 in Windows 7 - Windows 7 Help Forums  XDDD  In 32-bit Windows 7, Internet Explorer 10 (IE10) is still only a 32-bit browser. In 64-bit Windows 7, Internet Explorer 10 (IE10) has 32-bit and 64-bit together in one browser now. The IE10 browser frame process runs 64-bit, but for compatibility with plu...


Win7 x64 IE10 啟動模式 ( 64 or 32 ) - IT狂想曲~- 點部落     她真的掌握了拍照的精隨了XD下午處一個元件問題發現 IE10 在 Win7 64位元版本,不像以前 IE9 可以在啟動 選單可以去選擇, 要跑 32 還是 64。但有些外掛元件或 javaapplet 只有提供 32 的版本那怎麼 辦勒 上網查了一下 IE 10 還是可以跑 32 位元的,但必須透過 機碼修正.......


IE10 on Win7-64. IE10 64-bit/32-bit questions. - Microsoft Community     非常幽默阿XD           延伸閱讀>>用10元就可以抽獎了呦~來福福袋Running IE10 on Win7-64 (recent Win Update installation). I presume that IE10 is running 64-bit, but cannot verify this. How to tell? And it appears that certain 32-bit applications ......


How to tell if IE10 is 32 bit or 64 bit. - Windows 7 Help Forums   連做夢都不能欺騙她!!!!XD                I note from another thread, on subject of same question for IE9, that one only has to look at the Help>About where all is revealed. However, this is not the case with IE10. The same advice is true, that one selects the 32 or 64 by using the appropriate va...


How to Downgrade IE9 IE10 to IE8 on windows 7 32 64 bit(Internet Explorer 10 to 9) [Tutorial][Guide]   這棵樹比較難咬喔...You can remove IE9/IE10 and install IE8 using the following steps. 1. Close all programs. 2. Click Start, and then click Control Panel. 3. Click Uninstall a Program under the Programs category 4. In the Tasks pane, click View installed updates. 5. In the ...


How to enable 64 bit IE10 for the desktop in Windows 8      把曼陀珠放在冰塊中,冰起來 然後再請朋友喝可樂....嘿嘿     3...2...1....爆!!!!XD      Microsoft has sent a statement to Neowin about how Internet Explorer 10 will run in the 64-bit and the 32-bit version of Windows 8, in both the desktop and "Modern" user interfaces....
