Fail to install ie11 on win7 64-bit: Process exit code 0x00003715 - Microsoft Community 你有臉書重度憂鬱嗎?一天沒有滑就不對勁?社交網站盛行,有許多研究文章奉勸大家不要過度沉迷,原因就是,使用facebook越頻繁,越容易認為別人活得比較幸福、快樂,讓自己陷入妒忌和不快樂的情緒,但臉書生活是真實的嗎?影片「What's on your mind?」就要戳破大家想像,實際上很多美好的事I have pasted excerpts from the dism.log and cbs.log, not sure why it thinks I have amd64, I know for sure it's an Intel quad core I got. That's fine. AMD64 just means 64-bit. (More logical than: WOW64 means 32-bit and System32 means 64-bit.) Not sure wha...