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Download Internet Explorer 8.0 XP - 圖片轉自dcard下同 相信應該很多宅宅都有玩過交友軟體,不過大概就是沒下文不然就是遇到詐騙... 不過如果你有些特殊才華還是辦得到啊! 有位「艷麗型」網友就在dcard上分享了她自己的經驗 以下為原文 網友回覆:「大雄來了」「看看那個字.....真的好好看啊,在看看我的字......我的字根本像Internet Explorer is the world's most popular Web browser. Security, ease of use, and improvements in RSS, CSS, and Ajax support are Microsoft's priorities for Internet Explorer. This version of IE runs on Windows XP. The latest version of the browser inc...


Run IE6, IE7, and IE8 on the Same Machine Using Windows 7 XP Mode Article 與其把話藏心底,不如說出來一起解決   Photo/ , 責編/Sunny 帶小孩很累,有些事很需要另一半的幫忙或是支持。但有些事你也許認為:應該不需要什麼都要我講,就該都知道吧?就會做了吧?如果你這麼想,那就錯了!因為他可能真的就是沒想到喔~ 你是不是很久有話Testing your web site in all the current versions of Internet Explorer on separate PCs is no one's idea of fun. In this article, Craig shows step-by-step how to run IE6, IE7, and IE8 simultaneously using Windows 7 XP Mode....
