ie8 hover bug

:hover » Learn CSS3 | Cheat Sheet | CSS Tutorial | Selectors | Properties之前國際新聞報導出北韓人民生活艱苦,糧食短缺!人民饑餓到只好啃樹皮或是把樹皮磨成粉狀來食用,但是現實中的北韓軍人卻...... 其他閱讀: 為什麼我朋友家的布偶總是越破越多洞... 點我看更多>>>> the last bulleted section discussing "The element occasionally remains in the hover state..." it says this applies to IE7. According to my own testing, this bug occurs in IE6, IE7, and IE8. That is, if you hover an anchor, mouse down, then roll off wit...


Whatever:hover - Peterned       據英國《鏡報》消息,來自英國西米德藍茲郡斯陶爾布里奇的幾位老奶奶的電臀舞最近電倒了一批又一批網友,這段視頻迅速在世界各地蔓延, “奶奶們”自然也受到各國媒體的關注。 奶奶們的表演結合了大眾所熟識的碧昂絲的《單身美眉看過來》中的&ldupdated: november 15, 2009 (changes) Whatever:hover 3.11 Most modern browsers support the :hover selector for any html element. This is cool, because it enables you to, for instance, apply a mouseover effect to table rows using only CSS. IE however, has ...


Bugs in MSIE 8 for Windows - Gérard Talbot 夜色朦朧,你和一位聲音低沉、身高一米八五的高挑女子在酒吧中推杯換盞,見時機成熟,你邀她換個地方探討探討物理學問題。 萬萬沒想到 “親愛的,我先洗個澡。”美女邁著大步進了衛生間,你則躺在床上小憩片刻。想起今天的艷遇,你的嘴角不禁上揚。睜眼後,眼前的一幕把你嚇尿…A collection of bugs afflicting Internet Explorer 8: mostly CSS 2.1 bugs (specification violations, unsupported properties, incorrect parsing, etc) but also HTML 4 bugs, DOM 1 bugs, DOM 2 bugs, ECMAscript specification violations. Bugs may be specificatio...


Your own Hover-Over-Popups, CSS/XHTML-friendly - Nic Honing 以下是一位網友分享的............對前女友的報復!小編真的覺得這是史上最殘酷的報復啊!但如果這一切都是真的,那個女的也太...........那樣了吧! 總之,讓我們看下去吧~   昨天,正在玩遊戲,手機突然震動了一下,拿起來一看,訊息顯示:「你還好嗎?」 號碼,是那個我熟悉的Hey, thanks alot for providing the code to this. I have a question though! If i have links at the bottom of my page and i have to scroll down to them, the hover popup eventually stops following my mouse and always pops up in a static position near the top...


html - How to write a:hover in inline CSS? - Stack Overflow請珍惜永遠站在你身前保護妳的那個男孩!   最後的擁抱 From:網路流傳小故事/繪圖-蕭小友 故事其實是這樣的... 一天夜裡,男孩騎摩托車帶著女孩超速行駛,他們彼此深愛著對方, 女孩:「慢一點…我怕…」男孩:「不,這樣很有趣….」女孩:「求求你I have a case where I must write inline CSS code, and I want to apply a hover style on an anchor. How can I use a:hover in inline CSS inside the HTML style attribute?...
