IECapt - A Internet Explorer Web Page Rendering Capture ... 男人和女人相處的時候,總有一些討厭的行為會毀掉一些美好的時光。 有的時候女人有苦說不出,以為憋著忍忍就過去了。 但以下的這五種行為,簡直讓人原地爆炸: 1.跟身邊的女性曖昧不清 喜歡跟身邊的女性曖昧不清的男人,多半能準確揣摩女性IECapt IECapt is a small command-line utility to capture Internet Explorer's rendering of a web page into a BMP, JPEG or PNG image file. The C++ version also has experimental support for Enhanced Metafile vector graphic output. IECapt is available in a C+...