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Courses and resources | British Council 【童國輔/報導】Audi RS Line是該廠性能最頂尖的車款,也是各車系最高等級的旗艦車型,每部RS Car都擁有可直接下賽車場競賽的水準,因此不論是引擎出力、操控表現與內外觀設計都是一方之霸,而於2014年底亮相的Audi RS3 Sportback,原廠搭載2.5L TFSI直列5缸渦輪增壓We can help you prepare for the IELTS test through face-to face courses, seminars and workshops. ... IELTS Test dates, fees and locations Courses and resources Road to IELTS IELTS books IELTS videos Prepare for your test day On the day of your test...