ielts speaking topic

IELTS Speaking Test, part 2 - speak about a topic for 1-2 minutes天啊...又是一個驚人的作品@@ Record yourself speaking about your healthy lifestyle and compare your recording to amodel answer. ... The IELTS Speaking Exam, Part 2 In this part you have to speak for 1-2 minutes about a topic. Look at the topic below for one minute. You may make notes...


IELTS Speaking Part 3: 50 Practice Questions by Topic一直挨打...是很痛的你知道嗎? IELTS Speaking Part 3 topic #1: Role models Which type of people are respected most in your society? Do you agree with this situation? What happens when young people lack good role models? What standards of behaviour should teachers set? Do you agree ......


101 IELTS Speaking Part Two Topic cards that tie in with IELTS Speaking 公司的最初原型,但是沒有投入生產,因為在傳送帶上不穩固,右側就是經典的玻璃瓶。  可口可樂在不同國家地區的瓶子,可口可樂公司有很多產品,而且在不同國家有不同的小調整,標記和瓶子,也有很多收藏家。IELTS Speaking Part Two topic cards about Sports, hobbies and free time Talk about a book you are reading now or have read recently You should say: - How and why you got it - How long you it took you to read it or how long you have been reading it - What ...


IELTS vocabulary practice for the Speaking paper Chiu是一位瑞典籍的香港女孩,世界上25000分之一的罕見 無色人種(白化病)因為父母不想她受到太多關注而特地移民北歐。 她因病情一直視力微弱,但卻一直專注於學習攝影偶爾發現自己在鏡頭裏有一種獨特的美,她後來也成為法國巴黎國際時尚模特的行列~ 維生素D不足 白化病患( 罕見 無色人種 )身體無法Practise IELTS vocabulary for the Speaking exam. Each lesson presents topic vocabulary in the context of answers to Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 questions and tasks. ... IELTS Topic Vocabulary Learn IELTS topic vocabulary the easy way, presented as you might...


IELTS Speaking Part 3: 'history' topic - ielts-simon.com有寫跟沒寫一樣.. Questions in part 3 of the speaking test follow on from the topic you were given in part 2. So, after last week's historic event question, you might be asked some further questions about history and events. For example: 1. What do you think we can learn b...


IELTS Speaking Part 1: 'walking' topic - ielts-simon.com科學家已經可以在你熟睡的時​​候發掘你的夢境。日本京都ATR計​​算機神經科學中心的一個由學者Yukiyasu Kamitani 帶領的研究團隊利用功能性神經造影系統對三名受試者進行了睡眠中的腦部掃描,同時記錄了他們的腦電圖。 研究者在檢測到與做夢相同的腦電波後就將受試者喚醒,詢問他們剛才夢境的內容Hi Jing, To be honest, I think your scores are very good compared to mine, I have attempted ielts academic for three times so far, I got 7 above on reading and listening, but I always get 6.5 on writing and 6 on speaking, and I have been following Simon f...
