櫃檯小姐講的英文? 保證整天心情都很好
IEM Season VII - Global Challenge Katowice - Leaguepedia - Competitive League of Legends eSports Wik看了這個……保證整天心情都很好~我只能說…這位櫃台小姐真的粉有自信的大聲說英文!其實,櫃台小姐英文很好,她都聽的懂,而且反應 (Counter / 反擊) 很快耶!櫃台小姐的英語八級考老外 (聽力不錯、辭堪達意、不卑不亢、勇氣十足!)昨天,來了個老外,進到辦IEM Global Challenge Katowice is the fourth tournament in the IEM Season VII circuit hosted and organized by ESL. The event took place in Katowice, Poland at Spodek. Eight qualified teams competed in a group stage and a single elimination bracket for a $ ...