if and only if

The biggest 'What if?' for the Kansas City Chiefs and underrated / overrated rookies - Arrowhead Pri不久之前,在上海一所小學一年級語文考試中,一名小學生在回答「如果你是孔融,你會怎麼做?」的題目時,稱「我不會讓梨」,卻被老師打了大大的紅叉。這張考卷被孩子的父親發現後,拍成照片放到網路上,被網友大量轉發。讓人不禁思考,華人傳統的教育思維,是不是該改變了?美國學生怎麼看孔融讓梨?無獨有偶,一名在美國國I'm not sure why, but this offseason already seems unending. It's strange because every other aspect of life seems to be speeding up at an alarming rate. My oldest son is acting like a teenager, my daughter turned two a couple of weeks back (I'm very, ver...


Neopets - Hi!Greg Heaslip是一位英國Arcadia集團的保全,某一天,他規劃了一個兩天的假期,然後依照慣例,Email給他的主管一份兩天的請假單。從此,他的世界就變了。   Greg Heaslip的直屬主管收到請假單後,本來要把這個請假單Email發送給人事部門,但是似乎不慎選擇了寄件給全Neopets.Com - Virtual Pet Community! Join up for free games, shops, auctions, chat and more! ... You've clicked on a link that will take you outside of Neopets.com. We do not control your destination's website, so its rules, regulations, and Meepit defens...


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13 signs that you're probably in Cairo - CNN.com不曉得大家對俄國總統「普丁」的認識有多少呢?大家都說俄羅斯人是戰鬥民族,位於戰鬥民族頂點的這位領導者~光照片就霸氣外露了Σ(゚д゚)最近令大家又羨慕又忌妒的民族非 俄羅斯戰鬥民族 不可了!之前小編Hana介紹過 《俄羅斯戰鬥民族充滿霸氣的日常》, 連平常人日Cairo, Egypt (CNN)If you think New York never sleeps, you should try Cairo sometime. Ear-splitting, pulse-pounding and overwhelming, Egypt's capital is an all-out assault on the senses -- 18 million hustling, bustling people packed into one heaving city a...


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