if but

xkcd: gotobnt新聞訊 韓國人氣男星朴寶劍、李敏鎬、李準基可謂是時下人氣最旺的男星。無論是他們在劇中的形象,還是真實生活中的形象都令女性粉絲們心動不已。正應了“是金子早晚會發光”這句話一般,他們三位男星擁有的魅力令他們的星途被一致看好。今天就來解說這三位男星的魅力,看看他們不得不火的理由有哪些。>> 朴寶劍擁Warning: this comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced ... BTC 1FhCLQK2ZXtCUQDtG98p6fVH7S6mxAsEey We did not invent the algorithm. The ......


Sian Welch & Wendy Ingraham - The Crawl - 1997 - YouTube原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:咲櫻 巴哈姆特這四個字相信很多萌友都知道這個詞 他是龍之王,一個不論是什麼遊戲都有可能見到得傳奇生物 不過今天不是要講龍王,而是ACG最大的資訊中心 已經20歲生日的友站:巴哈姆特電玩資訊站 巴哈姆特電玩資訊站從1996年10月28日推出到現在已經有了20年 並於18號在台大Purchase the story of the 1997 Ironman World Championship at www.ironmanDVD.com....


Reviewed: The Fitbit Charge Is Effective but Irritated My Skin▲各種超崩壞的迪士尼公主~哈哈(source:Facebook)   搞笑團隊「哈哈台」又出奇招了!前陣子才剛夯完的90年代歌曲對嘴,現在最新的作品推出那就是「經典迪士尼公主歌唱對嘴!」裡頭各種超解的公主和超誇張的表情,讓人真的是笑到受不了,一起來看看他們的影片吧! ▲這艾莉兒好噁心...The Fitbit Charge displays the time, your number of steps, distance traveled, calories burned, and floors climbed. It may also give you a rash. ... “Fitbit takes every complaint very seriously, and we have also been in contact with the handful of Charge u...


xkcd: Angular Momentum邂逅的鐵人三項 十月的第一個周六,我一個人站在東京車站八重洲出口的大丸百貨之前。晴空萬里,從高樓大廈之間透出的藍色天空,飄浮著大朵大朵的白雲。看了一下時間,下午一點四十分,距離會合時間還有五分鐘。 永澤先生準時出現。他戴著眼鏡,身穿白襯衫搭配深藍色外套,拎著包包,我則是穿牛仔褲搭配黑色POLO衫。從Warning: this comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced ... BTC 1FhCLQK2ZXtCUQDtG98p6fVH7S6mxAsEey We did not invent the algorithm. The ......


An Ohio transgender teen's suicide, a mother's anguish - CNN.com 談戀愛的時候,是兩個人之間的事,我愛你、你愛我這也就夠了!如果能在相愛之外,男方有房、有車又有閒錢,可以每年出國玩,這人似乎就可以安心嫁了。但是…根據眾多過來人的說法,想要擁有幸福的婚姻,要考慮的點絕不只是這麼簡單。或許年輕的你,正享受著愛情的美好,那當然沒問題,年輕時就是該轟轟烈烈(CNN)When Josh Alcorn voiced a desire to live as a girl, the Ohio teenager's parents said they wouldn't stand for that. "We don't support that, religiously," Alcorn's mother told CNN on Wednesday, her voice breaking. "But we told him that we loved him unc...


Kandeeland▲謝啦老兄~(source:9gag)   日前新竹光復中學某一班級,在學校舉辦的Cosplay活動上,因分配到「德國」主題,竟然將整個班級打扮成「納粹」的樣子,身為歷史老師的班導師也湊著熱鬧站在紙紮的德製坦克上高舉左手!這事件不僅鬧的全校滿城風雨,老師道歉、校長辭職,也讓光復中學的教育部And last but not least, because Jordan wouln't let me show you his outfit...my little man, Blake's kindergarden duds... SHIRT: Yeah, fancy bow tie action: OLD NAVY Teal skinny jeans: Target HOODIE: Hoodie Buddy- yes, it has built in headphones so he can p...
