if necessary vs if needed

If needed vs. as needed? - Learn English Online, Teach English - World #1前段時間爆出即將完結消息的《火影忍者》在日本、中國等亞洲國家和地區乃至全世界都引發了熱烈的討論。不過大家在表達各種惋惜之情的同時,似乎忘記了JUMP系作品基本都是「不被榨乾最後一點價值不會放手」的。此前大人氣作品《黑子的籃球》就宣佈了要連載後日談的消息。而根據最新情報,《火影忍者》也即將在不久之後推Hi, I correct any system errors if needed. I correct any system errors as needed. 1. Which preposition above is grammatical? and natural? In #1, more natural is 'if necessary'. 2. If both are possible, what is the difference in meaning? #1 siggests a bit ...


What is the difference between "if needed" and "if necessary"? | Yahoo Answers                  在目前已經發售中的「GONG格鬥技 11月號」上,刊載了漫畫「進擊的巨人」作者諫山創和漫畫「伊甸園」、「全能格鬥士」的作者遠藤浩輝進行了對談,在談話中透露會努力在20卷左右完What is the difference between "if needed" and "if necessary"? Follow 5 answers 5 Report Abuse Are you sure you want to delete this answer? Yes No Sorry, something has gone wrong. Trending Now ......


If required vs if need be vs :) if necessary動漫中當然不止有萌妹,那些曾經感動過我們的,在我們心中留下「叫一聲大哥一輩子是大哥」的迴響的,不斷激勵著我們的「大哥」角色們也同樣值得我們敬佩。不管他們是「不做大哥很多年」,還是「正在為了兄弟赴湯蹈火」,他們的形象都深入我們內心,他們是「強大」、「不朽」、「偶像」的代名詞,他們是男人中的男人!他們的... 2006 12:00 pm If required vs if need be vs if necessary Hi Tamara The phrase "if need be" is a fixed phrase and I'd use it to mean "if necessary" or "if needed". ......


differences - "If/as/when necessary" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange Lamborghini在2014巴黎車展上展示全新概念車款Asterion LPI 910-4。從命名來看,Lamborghini為了凸顯Hybrid混合動力的特色,而選了希臘神話中有著牛頭人身的「Asterion」作為主名。而後頭的「LP」則為義語「longitudinale posterior“If/as/when necessary ” up vote 1 down vote favorite Is there any difference between the following sentences? Please press the bell if necessary ......


"It is necessary to..." VS "It is needed to" INFINITI QX70一部擁有跑車靈魂的豪華休旅車,融合了跑車的極致動能與休旅車的機能空間的設計理念,開創了豪華「跨界性能LSUV」之先河。自上市以來,更以獨樹一幟的造型美學、極致優越的性能操控與NHTSA五顆星最高等級安全評價的產品力席捲全球市場。為滿足台灣廣大車迷的期待,裕隆日產汽車積極向Could anyone help explain the difference btw "It is necessary to..." VS "It is needed to"? I know the meaning is the same but any differences. One of the native speakers said Necessary gives a feeling of urgency than needed. Plesae suggest....


if necessary M.BenzC-Class W205的推出讓許多大廠動了起來,而專門改裝品牌Carlsson這次針對C-Class AMG W205車型推出運動化套件,但不包含動力升級。 Carlsson一直都是M.Benz改裝品牌中的「紳士」,穩重素雅的風格擁有不少死忠車友,因此這輛C-Class沒有太誇張的外I will ask for your help, if necessary. 如果須要的話,我會請你幫忙。 Shut down the factory, if necessary. 如果必須的話就把工廠關閉。 if needed 回 上 頁 建議使用最佳瀏覽解析度﹕IE 5.0 以上版本 800 x 600 ......
