9件只有你懂的賴床理由 !
The Supreme Court Is About to Hear the Case That Could Destroy Obamacare | Mother Jones雖然說冬天起床最痛苦,天氣冷到有充分的賴床理由,其實大家都深知,賴床根本四季如一日呀!!鬧鐘設定根本是心安的!! 圖片翻攝/BLOG 1.你說你的床捨不得你離開它 圖片翻攝 下同/BLOG 2.你反射性的關掉了鬧鐘 3.每次都賴到最後一秒鐘才悻悻然然的起床 4.午休時恨不得飛奔到自己的床上 5.看到The King case has had a strange trip to the Supreme Court. The four plaintiffs lost at both the district and the federal appellate courts. But the lawsuit remained alive thanks to a similar case, also spearheaded by CEI, that was heard by a three-judge pa...