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David Warren Online - Essays in Idleness A good way to cultivate popularity, in politics or religion, is to preach constantly against the sins to which we are not tempted. There may have been a time when people were tempted to be censorious of flagrantly public homosexuals, for instance, or rema...


Donald Trump 2016: The One Weird Trait That Predicts Whether You’re a Trump Supporter - POLITICO Mag這些你都吃過了嗎? 1 榴槤 榴蓮是公認的東南亞水果之王,如果論臭味的話應該也是王。榴蓮的臭味穿透力極強,能夠附著在你的衣服和手上,多刺的外殼也無法阻擋這種味道向外蔓延。但是,如果你能忍受臭味,果實卻是香甜滑膩。 2 納豆 納豆是發酵過後的黃豆,早已臭名遠揚。人們形容納豆的味道是穿臟的臭襪子,但是比If I asked you what most defines Donald Trump supporters, what would you say? They’re white? They’re poor? They’re uneducated? You’d be wrong. Story Continued Below In fact, I’ve found a single statistically significant variable predicts whether a voter s...


The Potential Nomination of Merrick Garland : SCOTUSblog 短短的一幅圖,道出了多少男人的心聲... BackgroundAfter graduating with honors from Harvard University and Harvard Law School, D.C. Circuit Judge Merrick Garland clerked for Judge Henry Friendly on the Second Circuit and then for Justic ... United States v. Texas Whether the Obama administratio...


How Has the MFA Changed the Contemporary Novel? - The Atlantic 天蠍座:見1個愛1個天蠍座是好色的,這點無可厚非,因為掌握著性器官,神秘又充滿魅力,他們有著原始的性感軀體,本身也是大眾情人。在沒有碰見真正的愛情之前,他們是見一個愛一個的,雖然我們都說天蠍座一生只能愛一個人,是很專情的星座,可是其實天蠍座骨子裏比雙子座還花,他們一心一意想要尋找生命裏屬於自己的那We wrote a program to analyze hundreds of works by authors with and without creative-writing degrees. The results were disappointing. ... Until now, no one has used much evidence beyond the anecdotal to test whether or not the MFA has actually influenced ...
