if whether or not

Copyscape - Official Site美國一居民日前回家時,發現一頭母熊帶著兩隻小熊闖入自家後院,母熊忙著翻垃圾箱找食物,小熊則在滑梯上自顧自地玩耍,樂此不疲,就像在自己家一樣自在。最後這家人用汽笛發出巨響,才把它們嚇走,這才是熊孩子啊!    熊媽媽:趕快找吃的,寶寶你去那邊找 熊媽媽:疑!孩子們呢? 熊媽媽:哇咧Finds copies of content on the web to help find plagiarism and copyright infringement....


David Warren Online - Essays in Idleness 有國外網友測試,只要拿著iPhone,經過人群時這麼做...幾乎很多人都會上當...雖然這實驗有點機車,但好像屢試不爽呢! A good way to cultivate popularity, in politics or religion, is to preach constantly against the sins to which we are not tempted. There may have been a time when people were tempted to be censorious of flagrantly public homosexuals, for instance, or rema...


http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWCA/Civ/1947/1.html烏克蘭出產了許多真人芭比, 但令人驚奇的是!竟然有一家子全家都像芭比!! 太誇張了!連阿公都像,讓我們來看一下吧!   首先當然要看看芭比本人! 一整個超像假的!   好了,再讓我們來看芭比媽! 是不是非常美豔動人呀~~ 如果芭比有出媽媽款,應該就是長這樣吧! 兩人的鼻眼都太像了由於此網站的設置,我們無法提供該頁面的具體描述。...


Donald Trump 2016: The One Weird Trait That Predicts Whether You’re a Trump Supporter - POLITICO Mag二十年後的我 今天天氣不錯,我和老婆帶著我們一對可愛的兒女環遊世界。 突然,路邊衝出一個渾身惡臭、滿臉污穢、無家可歸的老太太, 天啊!她竟然是我二十年前的語文老師!   圖片來源: http://www.kengdie.cc/gaoxiaotupian/20140729If I asked you what most defines Donald Trump supporters, what would you say? They’re white? They’re poor? They’re uneducated? You’d be wrong. Story Continued Below In fact, I’ve found a single statistically significant variable predicts whether a voter s...


The Potential Nomination of Merrick Garland : SCOTUSblog   圖片來自 http://www.kengdie.cc/gaoxiaotupian/20140611/8900_1402482649.htmlBackgroundAfter graduating with honors from Harvard University and Harvard Law School, D.C. Circuit Judge Merrick Garland clerked for Judge Henry Friendly on the Second Circuit and then for Justic ... United States v. Texas Whether the Obama administratio...


How Has the MFA Changed the Contemporary Novel? - The Atlantic 1、鐵鏽剋星 可口可樂是鐵鏽的“天敵”。如果您有一堆小零件需要除鏽,把它們在可樂里泡一夜,早晨起來給它們“洗個澡”就OK了。你也可以在有鏽斑的鍍鉻物表面塗上一層可樂——砂布上也來些,然後轉圈打磨,即可除鏽。 2、烹飪搭檔 可樂We wrote a program to analyze hundreds of works by authors with and without creative-writing degrees. The results were disappointing. ... Until now, no one has used much evidence beyond the anecdotal to test whether or not the MFA has actually influenced ...
