ifndef define

c preprocessor - Why are #ifndef and #define used in c++ header files - Stack Overflow 很欠扁的週記(絕對爆笑)  I have been seeing code like this usually in the start of header files #ifndef HEADERFILE_H #define HEADERFILE_H and at the end of the file is #endif I am confused about the ......


#ifndef - C and C++ Syntax Reference - Cprogramming.com慪......好痛 !!!!! Cprogramming.com is a combination of C++ tutorials, compiler information, programming links, a VERY ACTIVE programming message board, and C and C++ source code . ... #ifndef #ifndef /* code */ #else /* code to include if the token is defined */ #endif # ...


#ifdef,#ifndef,#define,#endif解析 - c語言程序開發技術文章 - 紅黑聯盟是的.....這是一部車....不要懷疑它能跑!!首頁 > 程序開發 > 軟體開發 > C語言 > 正文 #ifdef,#ifndef,#define,#endif解析 2012-03-03 個評論 收藏 我要投稿 我們在看一些開源的源代碼的時候,經常會看到如下情景: # if defined(_PTHREADS) && !defined(_NOTHREADS)...


ifndef/define/endif作用和用法_passing_新浪博客這是誰的流動車??ifndef/define/endif作用和用法_passing_新浪博客,passing, ... 問題:ifndef/define/endif”主要目的是防止頭文件的重複包含和編譯,偶只知道這個概念不懂的是怎麼個用法,和為什麼要用它~~高手請指點一下~~謝謝~~~!!!...


#pragma once versus #ifndef - C++ Forum - cplusplus.com - The C++ Resources Network 能一起洗澡泡湯真舒服~~Pragmas are machine- or operating system-specific by definition, and are usually different for every compiler. So if you want your code to be portable use the first method. ... #pragma once can fail if the file system contains links to the same file that ...


Delphi Basics : $Define command真是一大享受~~~!!Description The $Define compiler directive defines a Symbol. By doing so, the symbol is now On. When a symbol is on, $IfDef will compile conditional code, and $IfNDef will not. When a symbol is off, $IfNDef will compile conditional code, and $IfDef will n...
