童趣萬花筒 繽紛上陣!Manhattan Portage KLD 系列春季主打上市
Pandanet來自紐約的單車包首創品牌Manhattan Portage,四月新品以繽紛的萬花筒為主題,一轉動即能創造千變萬化的驚喜世界,打造出KLD系列包身上的繽紛色彩與幾何圖形效果,並以1210後背包、1606V-JR郵差包完美詮釋其絢麗感,再搭配上熱昇華印刷技術使顏色更鮮豔、視覺效果更棒,引領2014正春氣16 pairs of male and female professional Go players who represent the Japanese Go world will play tournament games, and in the 4th round, the winning pair will be decided. Games from the 1st round to the semifinal round will be played at the Nihon Ki-in,...