Data Channel Port Range Grayed Out? : The Official Microsoft IIS Forums秋冬要來了~~如果你是褲襪控,你一定不能錯過這個! 最近網路超級火紅的「超神奇小宇宙褲襪」。 根據rocketnews24網站的報導,在日本,貓咪的、蔥的、甚至武士刀的各種褲襪都買的到。不過難道沒有比較低調,又有創意巧思的褲襪嗎? 現在有人設計出了這款褲襪,不但讓你大方展現,還可以只讓特定的「幸運兒I just installed the new 7.g ftp services and I have been struggling with firewall rules, as I need to configure an external firewall to allow the data ports, however, the Data Channel Port Range box is grayed out, so I cannot configure what ports is shou...