IKEA Furniture | The Wonderful Everyday - IKEA 美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)拍攝的紀錄片《柬埔寨日常》中,述說許多柬埔寨小學女孩被迫成為雛妓的悲慘故事,她們同樣出身在斯維帕克,同樣在懵懂的年紀被母親賣掉初夜,之後又淪落妓院賣淫。 圖中女孩名叫姬優(Kieu),今年14歲。姬優家境清寒,在她12歲的時候,她的母親為了要償還積欠的大筆IKEA online and in-store. Shop our huge range of furniture, and browse our ideas to make your everyday more wonderful. ... Shopping with IKEA always saves you money and it can also save you time and effort. We offer a range of services to help you with .....