Francis Francis for Illy X7.1 Coffee Machine, Red: Amazon.co.uk: Kitchen & Home 隨著二次元世界的發展壯大,越來越多新的動漫角色不斷湧現,由於動漫中的人設分類並不算豐富,因此我們常常會在不同動畫裡,看到長得很相似的角色。這一點,就連人物造型千奇百怪的海賊王也不能避免,是巧合還是刻意的致敬呢?今天就為大家盤點一下,《海賊王》與其他動漫撞臉的那些角色吧。 1.路飛VS風早翔太(出自The X7.1 is the evolution of the original X7 machine: Its mordern and appealing design by Luca Trazzi's creativity - mingles with even more advanced technology which make the preperations of an espresso and cappuccino easier and faster. Just insert an ill...