Francis Francis for Illy X7.1 Coffee Machine, Red: Amazon.co.uk: Kitchen & Home ▲丹麥芭蕾正妹舞者被網友直呼是「天使降臨」(source:左:大叔十四叔/右:北方時空) 哈囉大家好~我是fufu編!今天要和大家介紹的是在中國有「丹麥天使」之稱的席斯拉慕斯SidselrasMussen,她是丹麥皇家芭蕾舞團的舞者,大約在三年前左右跟隨舞團到中國的電視節目上表演,因The X7.1 is the evolution of the original X7 machine: Its mordern and appealing design by Luca Trazzi's creativity - mingles with even more advanced technology which make the preperations of an espresso and cappuccino easier and faster. Just insert an ill...