Amazon.com: iLuv iMM157BLK VibroBlue Bluetooth Wireless Speaker and Alarm Clock with Shaker (Black) 有一天 跟我男朋友坐台北捷運時,男朋友他正在捷運上玩 雷電3,然後有一個小朋友坐在我們旁邊。突然那位小朋友很興奮的,跟他媽指著我男朋友說: 『媽媽快看,叔叔在打飛機!』 哇~~~操!全車的人,都用震驚的眼神看著我男朋友,男朋友表情就…整個石化了。 這時小朋友又看著我男朋友iLuv Bluetooth Wireless Speaker and Alarm Clock with Shaker Heavy sleepers and the hearing impaired can rest easy with VibroBlue, an alarm clock with built-in speakers that takes an innovative approach to waking up with a vibrating "Shaker." Placed under ...