iluv imm153 iLuv iMM157BLK VibroBlue Bluetooth Wireless Speaker and Alarm Clock with Shaker (Black)   有一天 跟我男朋友坐台北捷運時,男朋友他正在捷運上玩 雷電3,然後有一個小朋友坐在我們旁邊。突然那位小朋友很興奮的,跟他媽指著我男朋友說: 『媽媽快看,叔叔在打飛機!』 哇~~~操!全車的人,都用震驚的眼神看著我男朋友,男朋友表情就…整個石化了。 這時小朋友又看著我男朋友iLuv Bluetooth Wireless Speaker and Alarm Clock with Shaker Heavy sleepers and the hearing impaired can rest easy with VibroBlue, an alarm clock with built-in speakers that takes an innovative approach to waking up with a vibrating "Shaker." Placed under ...


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全文閱讀 iLuv iMM173 Alarm Clock and Dual Dock for iPod and iPhone (Black): MP3 Players & Accesso想起那年夏天在一個大酒店看到的一位穿著上班制服的美眉~我始終唸唸不忘...於是偷偷拿起手機拍下了她的背影...我想認識她...苦於找不到時機,又不想讓她覺得我是色狼。無奈只好一直等,等到她下班為止...好不容易等她下班了...我看到她從更衣室走出來...心中小鹿亂撞,熱血沸騰!!!可是...下班後的Redefining both how you fall asleep and how you wake up, the Vibro Sound gives you options. Of course, the key feature is the shaker with integrated speaker so you can play music from your iPhone / iPod or FM radio. From the Manufacturer The iMM173 can ch...


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