日本清純萌Coser茉夏。水手服貓耳妹妹 一口氣萌翻你的小宇宙!!
Is this a joke, Skype? Credit can only be purchase... - Page 3 - Skype Community原文出處:萌咩誌 編輯:Audrina 我有騙萌友嗎?是不是可愛萌到足以顛覆你的小宇宙了!? 今天要介紹的Coser – 【茉夏】 對於角色造型是【水手服】或是【貓耳】的比較喜好, 也比較多相關作品 相較其他動不動就“無下限"的妹妹來說… 是比較清新款When I wanted to top up my Skype credit last week, I was redirected to a Taiwanese website (PCHome), showing prices only in NT$. When, in spite of ... ... This Taiwan issue is utterly bizarre. Only a company as bad as Microsoft could do this!! I live in H...