im the one who wants to be with you

The Success Principles(TM) - 10th Anniversary Edition: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Wa 遨玩擱遨賺,双贏ZINGER 2.4L,61.3萬起全新登場 吳念真、吳定謙 導演父子檔強力推薦 【焦能義/整輯.攝影】ZINGER自2005年上市以來,以其多功能用途加上實惠的價格持續受到商旅車主喜愛,成為兼顧工作與休旅生活的購車首選。在強調C/P值的經濟世代,中華汽車推出新一代「双贏ZINGEPraise for the first Edition of The Success Principles: “Canfield’s principles are simple, but the results you’ll achieve will be extraordinary!” (Anthony Robbins, author of Awaken the Giant Within and Unlimited Power) “If you could read only one book thi...


I Don’t Want to Be Right - The New Yorker 原先確定會在2016年3月日內瓦車展才曝光的Lamborghini Aventador LP 750-4 SV Roadster,這次卻提前現身圓石灘車展,也讓眾人搶先目睹這款限量500部敞篷大牛的風采。其實這也不算新聞,早在Lamborghini發表Aventador LP 750-4 SupeLast month, Brendan Nyhan, a professor of political science at Dartmouth, published the results of a study that he and a team of pediatricians and political scientists had been working on for three years. They had followed a group of almost two thousand p...


MARINA AND THE DIAMONDS | "I AM NOT A ROBOT" - YouTube 對男人而言,最幸福的事情,莫過於成功追求到自己心愛的女人,並與她共建一個美好幸福的家庭。很多女人抱怨,男人不懂珍惜感情,不懂女人心。事實上,並非如此。男人只是沒有找到真正讓他死心塌地的女人而已。也有人說,這世界,完美的女人,只存在於幻想裡,一旦結婚,油鹽醬醋,肯定會變得枯燥乏味,很難有長久的愛情。The new album "FROOT" is out now! The #1 Album ♡ 'Electra Heart' ♡ - Available now UK // US July 10th Taken from Marina's debut al...


IAmNotTheBabysitter - IAmNotTheBabysitter ⊙高科技雷射頭燈選配 ⊙手勢控制儀錶、遙控自動停車系統首次運用 ⊙汽、柴油引擎及Plug-in Hybrid油電動力系統 ⊙國內預估上市時間 2015年10月 在今年法蘭克福車展上,BMW的重點主秀當然就是全新世代7 Series、X1以及小改款的3 Series,儘管這些車款已分別在6、7月份對Head of Spokane, Washington’s NAACP chapter, Rachel Dolezal, is under fire today after her parents produced her birth certificate, showing her to be born white, both of her parents being Caucasian. Rachel’s mother claims Rachel started identifying as Afri...


Why Airlines Want to Make You Suffer - The New Yorker 來源 火影忍者的主線角色無非是鳴人、佐助等係列忍者,但是這部劇中不少小夥伴們也有一大波令人無法忘懷的配角哦,今天就與口袋小編一起看看這些吸粉的配角們吧。 (圖片翻攝自toutiao) 寧次 寧次舍身救下了鳴人跟雛田,這樣的大舅子可真是夠仗義啊!曾經的木葉天才在最後也也怒刷一次存在感,卻沒複活,真的Airlines that charge fees for things like leg room, checked bags, and WiFi have a financial interest in making basic economy an intolerable experience. ... Credit Photograph by Scott Olson / Getty This fall, JetBlue airline finally threw in the towel. For...
