im watch delay

Watch 'Lion King' And 'Aladdin' Broadway Casts Have Epic Sing-Off During Flight Delay有趣的肥皂,幾可亂真 15張(點圖看大圖喔)       Now this is one flight delay we actually wish we were stuck in. A video uploaded to YouTube captures every theater geek's dream-come-true: a sing-off between Broadway cast members of "The Lion King" and "Aladdin." Though it took place during a six-hour we...


Impatient | Definition of impatient by Merriam-Webster喵:我今天真的抓到好大一隻老鼠!!!!! Full Definition of IMPATIENT 1 a: not patient : restless or short of temper especially under irritation, delay, or opposition b: intolerant 1 2: prompted or marked by impatience 3: eagerly desirous : anxious...


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