A片性愛 vs 真實性愛的有趣數據
Jason Mraz - I'm Yours lyrics | LyricsMode.com如果A片看太多,小心無形中被洗腦。美國紐約的創意工作室Kornhaber Brown利用各種暗喻來解釋A片裡的性愛跟真實世界裡的性愛有何差別。 如果你看過A片,你也有過性經驗,你就會知道兩者之間有多大的不同。但是到底有多不同呢?讓各種可愛的水果跟器具來告訴你吧! 屌: A片男優的屌約15公分到23公15 explanations, 50 meanings to I'm Yours lyrics by Jason Mraz: Well, you done done me and you bet I felt it / I tried to be chill but ... This song has meaning behind the words that you hear, it speaks to people, beacuse its the truth about love. Its fun...