John Lennon - Imagine lyrics | LyricsMode.com ▲超奢華的婚禮,仔細看會嚇壞一票人。(source:dailymail,下同) 最近土豪哥事件引起台灣人民的關注,連帶也挖出他的正妹老婆天天在微博各種炫富、炫名牌,引發許多網友的關注與討論。 然而你知道嗎,其實在2015年,汶萊王子早就把土豪哥電爆了! 根據dailymail報導,汶7 explanations, 20 meanings to Imagine lyrics by John Lennon: Imagine there's no heaven / It's easy if you try / No hell below us / Above ... No heaven no hell - It's here and now. Living for today No countries (governments) no relegion. Nothing to kill o...