Phase encoding in MRI - Medical websites and e-learning for healthcare professionals - 有一個人很害怕死亡。他心裡想著:「死亡是在前面呢?還是在後面呢?」 他想到:「人總是在往前跑的時死亡,例如飛機失事、車禍喪生。 所有的動物也都是在往前逃命的時候,被捕殺的。 從來沒有動物是在後退時喪生,所以,死亡是從後面追趕的。」 他得到一個重要The second step of spatial localization is called phase encoding. A magnetic gradient field is applied briefly in one direction. As the change in frequency is very brief, when the gradient is switched off, it causes a change in phase that is proportional ...