A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles": Marianne Williamson: 9780有一對夫妻,老公正看著電視,啃著瓜子 忽然間老婆從廚房喊著:「老公可不可以幫我修電燈? 」 老公不耐煩的說: 「我又不是水電工」 沒多久老婆又喊:「老公可不可以幫我修冰箱?」 老公不耐煩的說: 「我又不是電器維修工」 又過了一會老婆又喊:「老公可不可This book is based on Williamson's discovery of A Course in Miracles , a self-help guide whose provenance she doesn't explain. Age 26 at the time and feeling lost and desperate after indulging in the excesses of the 1960s, the Jewish author had no real ho...