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Eric Shinseki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia●搭載Plug-in Hybrid系統●軸距加長 車重減輕85公斤●配置LED頭燈●國外上市日期 預計2015/Q1 第八代VW Passat於日前正式推出,除了一般四門車型外,Variant旅行車也一同登場,外觀再經過修改後變得更加出色,而所導入的配備與動力系統也更為豐富。 出風口與飾板加以整合,Eric Ken Shinseki (/ʃɨnˈsɛki/; born November 28, 1942) is a former United States Army general who served as the seventh United States Secretary of Veterans Affairs. His final U.S. Army post was as the 34th Chief of Staff of the Army (1999–2003). He is a v...


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