【CCSX】「藤原啓治」仍無消息…動畫《碧藍幻想 GRANBLUE FANTASY》延後2017年4
In the Loop (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia原文出處:萌咩誌 作者:CCSX 由 Cygames 開發的人氣手遊 《グランブルーファンタジー》不僅有超過500萬人註冊登入, 而且將由伊藤祐毅監督、倉田綾子(Anime Series Director)、 赤井俊文(人設)一起率領 A-1 Pictures 改編為電視動畫版 《GRANBLUE In the Loop is a 2009 British satirical black comedy directed by Armando Iannucci as a spin-off from the BBC Television series The Thick of It. The film satirizes Anglo-American politics in the 21st century and the Invasion of Iraq.[2] It was nominated fo...