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Movies – Movie Times & Cinema Guide | MovieFIX太可愛了!Find movie session times, movie reviews & movie guides including movie trailers, stills and more on MovieFIX. ... You can choose if you "Want to see" or are "Not Interested" in seeing the movie on the Homepage trailer player, or in the Movie Information p...


Movies Now - Los Angeles Times 你得頭讓我考試都無法好好考你知道嗎?XDActress Marilyn Burns, who starred in the 1970s film "The Texas Chain Saw Massacre" and TV movie "Helter Skelter," died Tuesday. She was 65. Burns' manager said Wednesday that she died at her Houston-area home and that the cause of her death remains ......


Movies - Los Angeles Times 魯夫變乳夫海賊王崩壞了!!Movie reviews and news covering everything from big-budget blockbusters to independent films. ... Movies Now 'Interstellar' trailer: Christopher Nolan voyages across the universe Oliver Gettell Christopher Nolan's upcoming sci-fi epic "Interstellar" has l...


Critics Movie Reviews - Movie Reviews and Showtimes in DC Metro Area 今天買了一包空氣包,裡面還附贈幾片洋芋片,真的賺到了!!The has critics' reviews for new and upcoming movies, along with movie trailers and showtimes in the Washington, DC metro area ... Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet star in this film, written by Academy Award nominee Charlie Kaufman ......

全文閱讀 - Movie Times and Showtimes | Movie Trailers | Theatres一個富二代超速行駛被一女交警抓了。 女交警給富二代開罰單, 富二代囂張問道:你知道我爸是誰嗎? 女交警答:這得問你媽。Get the latest movie times, trailers and celebrity interviews. Find out what's playing at your local movie theatre at Canada's longest running online movie resource. ... A wonderful, intelligent movie - not the dumb shoot-up, blow-up, kill-all flick of to...
