In Rainbows - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia用報紙塞滿死屍完全合法 已故的Kendrick Johnson一家要求為Kendrick做二次屍檢,希望查出他的神秘死因。當Johnson一家人去殯儀館索要屍體,卻發現殯儀館已經摘除了Kendrick體內所有的器官,並用報紙塞滿了他的屍體,很明顯殯儀館打算用Kendrick的屍體用作萬聖節裝飾,如果In Rainbows is the seventh studio album by the English alternative rock band Radiohead. It was self-released on 10 October 2007 as a download via a pay-what-you-want model, followed by a standard CD release in most countries in the last week of 2007. The ...